October Membership Meeting

Our October membership meeting will be a Zoom meeting on Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at 7:00 PM It will include a presentation by Steve Betchkal of Eau Claire. He will be returning with his program that explores climate change and its effect on our birds. Steve is an excellent videographer/photographer and it should be an interesting evening. Hope you'll join us! Program Information: The Canada Warbler in the Coal Mine Nature's systems are marvelous and efficient "organisms," the product of millions of years of fine-tuning. But what happens if you tinker with the parts? Join ornithologist Steve Betchkal as he explains how climate crisis is impacting birds and bird conservation. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86303733432?pwd=bFFOLzlRWTR2UVAzVmtpYVpKMStEZz09 Meeting ID: 863 0373 3432 Passcode: 040269 One tap mobile +13092053325,,86303733432#,,,,*040269# US +13126266799,,86303733432#,,,,*040269# US (Chicago)


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