
Showing posts from May, 2022

May Membership Meeting - May 18, 2022 at 7:00 PM

The May membership meeting will be a Zoom meeting and will feature a presenation by Jane Furchgott of the Richland Center - Santa Teresa Sister Cities Project in Nicaragua. Jane will give us an update on the status of the MOSI Station and conservation work that is being funded by the Sister City project. Please see the CRAS activity calendar on the website for a Zoom Meeting link.

Birding Field Trips

From April 26 through May 12, we will do Tuesday and Thursday bird walks at the Myrick Marsh and Hixon Forest at 6:30 AM. The Tuesday walks will be at the Myrick Marsh (meet at base of trail by Myrick Park Center parking lot) and the Thursday walks will be held in the Hixon Forest (meet at parking lot at end of Milson Court). These walks will end around 8:00 am and are open to all and free. On Saturday, May 7th, there will be two bird walks at Myrick Marsh as part of the World Migratory Bird Day event. The start times will be 6:30 AM and 9:00 AM. Both are free and open to the public. The second will be more family focused but kids of all ages are welcome for both. On Saturday, May 14th, we will have a Wyalusing State Park field trip. We meet at 6:00 AM on the entrance road to the park between the highway and the gate house. Look for the cars. This trip is very special since there are many species found at the park that are tought to find elsewhere in Wisconsin. There will al