
Showing posts from April, 2013

May La Crosse Birding Hikes

May La Crosse Birding Hikes April 30 - May 16, 2013 6:30 am From Dan Jackson:The Tuesday/Thursday field trips are co-hosted by the Myrick/Hixon EcoPark and Coulee Region Audubon and will be led by Bobbie and Pat Wilson and I. They are scheduled for the first 3 weeks of May. Each trip starts at 6:30 and will go until about 8:30 (people are welcome to leave earlier if they choose). The Tuesday morning Marsh trips will start at the base of the rabbit trail which is located about 100 yards east of the Myrick/Hixon EcoPark building. From there, we usually do a loop through the marsh on the main trails. The Thursday morning Forest trips will start at the main Hixon Forest trail parking lot at the end of the gravel drive accessed from Milson Court. For those trips, we usually take the forest trail parallel to the road along the golf course and then take a loop into the valley before coming back out on the road. From Dan Jackson on 5/16/13: This morning, Pat and Bobbi Wilson