June Membership Meeting - June 16, 2021 6:00 PM - Picnic & Bird Walk at Myrick Park

Our June meeting is usually a potluck and a bird walk - often at Myrick Park.  Due to covid, this year's event will need to be modified and will be a picnic and bird walk.  The difference is that we won't be sharing food and we will also maintain social distance from people who aren't members of our households.

We will start at 6:00 PM and will eat and socialize (from a distance) before heading out on the Rabbit Trail to see what birds we can find.

Please bring your own food, beverages, dishes, etc.  There are some picnic tables there but if you can bring a blanket or folding chairs, that would be appreciated.

Although not the usual event, it is a step toward a more normal event.  We hope to see you there!


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