May 2021 Bird Walks & Wyalusing Field Trip

We have decided that, with some care and precaution, it is safe to lead some bird walks this year.

We will do Tuesday and Thursday morning Myrick Marsh and Hixon Forest walks for the weeks of May 3 and May 10.  As usual, these walks will be run on Tuesday and Thursday mornings starting at 6:30 AM and going to about 8:00 AM (participants should feel free to leave whenever they need to).  

 Tuesday morning walks will be in the Myrick Marsh and start from the parking lot by the Myrick Marsh Center and the base of the Rabbit Trail. Thursday morning walks will be in the Hixon Forest and start from the trail parking lot at the end of Milson Court.

For these walks, we do ask that people wear masks and practice social distancing.  If the number of participants is high, we will split into smaller groups to allow people to still hear the leader and share sightings.

We will also be doing a Wyalusing field trip on Saturday, May 15 starting at 6:00 AM.  Due to covid, we will not be able to car pool so will limit this event to 10 participants based on pre-registration.  If you would like to participate, send an e-mail to  Seats will be reserved on a first-come first-served basis and you will get a response to a request to participate.

 For the Wyalusing field trip, we start on the entrance road before the gate house.  Vehicles must have stickers to enter the park that should be bought ahead online if possible and participants must be per-registered to participate. 

Good Birding!


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