Help save the Black Terns in the Myrick Marsh!

Help Save the Black Terns in the Myrick Marsh!

Note from Alan Stankevitz: 
Jo and I recently have returned from our spring migration trip to Florida and we have lots of images to share. I was all set to send out our first set of images and video, but when we returned we found out that Wisconsin's DNR is about to grant BNSF Railroad a permit to "take" Black Terns in the La Crosse River Wetlands. 
Black Terns are an endangered state species in Wisconsin. There numbers continue to drop statewide and yet the DNR is about to give permission to BNSF to disturb their breeding grounds in the wetlands and if they happen to kill any Black Terns, that's okay too. 
Now is the time to take action and I am asking YOU to help. Even if you live outside of Wisconsin, I encourage all to write to the DNR and demand that they do not grant this take permit. 
Click here to go to my journal about this atrocity. If you don't want to read the whole thing, just go to near the bottom of the page for how you can help by emailing the DNR.
Please forward this to all you birder friends. We can use all the help we can get!


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