2019 Sand Lake Conservation Camps

Minutes of the 2019 Annual Meeting

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

6:00 pm

Ho-Chunk Nation Building, La Crosse, WI.
Attendance: Approximately 30 people presentPotluck, recent bird sightings, Treasurer’s and Secretary’s Reports, election of officers and board members, upcoming events, member photography presentation

Annual Meeting Minutes


President: Jonathan Ringdahl;
Treasurer: Dan Jackson
Board Members: Roger Hanson and Gwyn Calvetti
Bird Sightings Discussion

President Ringdahl asked for members to report birds recently seen in the area. These included Robins, Wilson’s Snipe, Killdeer, Ducks, Owls, a Great Blue Heron, and others.
Emily Weiser Recognition

Gwyn Calvetti recognized Emily Weiser’s 2018 green birding efforts. She had the highest species total for that category in Wisconsin for 2018.
Treasurer’s Report

Dan Jackson presented a Treasurer’s Report including the fiscal YTD income and expense details and the current Balance Sheet of the organization. No corrections or objections were made.
Secretary’s Report

Dan Jackson presented the Secretary’s Report of the 2018 Annual Meeting as prepared by Mary Jo Clark. No corrections or objections were made.
Election of Board of Directors

Dan Jackson explained the current election including which positions were up for election for a new 2-year term (President, Vice-President, and 1 Board Member position) as well as which positions were up for election to fill the second half of the term started in January 2018 (Treasurer and Secretary).Dan Jackson was appointed by the board to fill the position of Treasurer in February 2018 when no one was elected to fill that position during the 2018 annual meeting. Bylaws allowed that appointment to be effective until the 2019 Annual Meeting and therefore the position needs to be on the ballot to fill the position for the remainder of the current 2-year term (2018-2020).
Since Mary Jo Clark indicated that she would like to give up her position as Secretary via e-mails she sent to the board in early January, the position of Secretary was added to the ballot. This position needs to be filled for a one-year term which goes through the 2020 Annual Meeting.
Jackson presented a ballot to show the current nominees who were willing to fill for each position.
While this was discussed, Mory Jahangir indicated he would be willing to put his name on the ballot to fill the open Board Member position. His name was added to the ballot (as attached).
Jonathan Ringdahl made two calls for further nominations to fill any of the open positions. No further nominations were offered.
Roger Hanson made a motion to cast a unanimous ballot to elect the nominees as presented on the ballot. Bill Blank seconded the motion. The motion was put up for vote and all ays were heard and no nays were given. Therefore, the nominees were elected to the terms indicated on the ballot.
New Business
Field Trips and Upcoming Events

1. January 19 Golden Eagle Survey run by the National Eagle Center.
2. February 15-18 Great Backyard Bird Count.
3. Feb. 20 membership meeting – Jacqueline Sandberg presentation on Red-tailed Hawks.
4. March 1-3 – International Festival of Owls in Houston, MN.
5. March 20 membership meeting
6. April 13 - Annual Midwest Crane Count - 5:30 a.m.-7:30 a.m.
7. April 17 membership meeting
Member Photography Presentation

Members presented photographs of birds, animals and insects from sightings and travel in the US and Europe.Prepared and submitted by:
Dan Jackson, Treasurer
Election of Board Members / Officers / Nominating Committee

Positions Up for Election For 2 Year Term:
President: Jonathan Ringdahl
Vice-President: Mark Webster
Board Member: Mory Jahangir
Positions Up for Election for 1 Year Term (Remainder of 2 year term started in January, 2018):

Secretary: Gwyn Calvetti
Treasurer: Dan Jackson
Other Board Members Not Up for election in 2019:

Board Member: Roger Hanson
Nominating Committee for 2020 Election:

Dan Jackson
Gwyn Calvetti
Roger Hanson


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