Wyalusing Field Trip

Wyalusing Field Trip

Sunday, May 18, 2014

6:30 am - Noon

From Dan Jackson:On Sunday, May 18th, the Coulee Region Audubon Society will host a birding field trip to Wyalusing State Park. We will meet on the entrance road at 6:30 AM and will bird until around noon. This is one of the best birding locations in Wisconsin. Local specialties include: Cerulean, Yellow-Throated, Kentucky, and Prothonotary Warblers, Cuckoos, Henslow's Sparrow, Acadian Flycatcher, Scarlet Tanager, Wood Thrush, Louisiana Waterthrush, and many others. There is a strong probability that late migrants will still be coming through which means that we can and will see many other species of sparrows, thrushes, warblers and other great birds. For those interested in carpooling, please e-mail Scott Puchalski at obsidianblur@gmail.com.
This trip is a Wisconsin Birdathon event. The Coulee Birders team (currently Dan Jackson & Scott Puchalski) will be working hard to see as many species as possible for the birdathon. Participants are encouraged to join the team and help raise money for the Wisconsin bird conservation projects. If field trip participants don’t join the team, a donation in support of our efforts would be appreciated.
Dan Jackson, President
Coulee Region Audubon Society
La Crosse, Wisconsin


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