Madison Audubon: Faville Grove
January 1, 2014; 6:55 am
We will enjoy the predawn light as we meander through the prairie, arriving at the marsh overlook by 7:23 a.m. to see the sun rise over the Faville Grove Marsh. We will spend the early morning exploring the winter marsh and surrounding uplands.
Meet at the old farmstead at N7710 Hwy 89. From I-94, take the Lake Mills/Waterloo exit north on Highway 89 about 2.5 miles to the driveway on the right immediately past North Shore Road.
Contact Information
Matt Weber, 920-255-1757; favillegrove@gmail.com
WSO: Milwaukee Winter Birding
January 11, 2014; 8:00 am
This popular field trip concentrates on the flocks of waterfowl, gulls and other birds along the Lake Michigan shoreline. After starting at South Shore Yacht Club in Milwaukee, we work our way north and visit several birding spots along the lakeshore, and eventually end up at the Sheboygan’s Marina and North Point around midday. Dress very warmly for this trip, and bring lots of energy food to eat along the way.
Meet at the South Shore Yacht Club. Take I-794 EAST over the Harbor Bridge. At the south end of the bridge, take the Port of Milwaukee exit. The exit terminates at Carferry Drive (stop sign), turn left (east) on Carferry, continue east to a “T-intersection†with So. Lincoln Memorial Drive. Turn right (south) on Lincoln Memorial Dr. At the top of the hill the road curves right (west) and becomes Russell Avenue. After 1 block you will come to a stoplight at Superior Street; turn left (south) onto Superior and go 3 blocks to Iron Street. Again, turn left (east) on Iron, go 2 blocks and then down the hill into the parking lot, continue to the south end of the Yacht Club.
Contact Information
Tom Schultz, 920-960-1796,
Jeff Baughman, 920-960-4732,
Madison Audubon: Wisconsin River Raptors
January 11, 2014; 8:00 am
Come watch eagles soar over the Wisconsin River! Marty Evanson will lead this trip to Sauk Prairie to search for soaring raptors and other wintering birds. Likely finds include Bald Eagle, Rough-legged Hawk, Red-tailed Hawk, American Kestrel and possible Cooper’s Hawk, Northern Harrier, and Northern Shrike. We will check the river and Prairie du Sac dam for waterfowl and gulls. Bring a snack as the trip will last until noon. If you have a scope, please bring it along. Dress appropriately for the weather.
Meet at the parking lot of Copp’s Supermarket, 6800 Century Ave., Middleton to carpool.
Contact Information
Marty Evanson, 608-271-6846
Madison Audubon: Winter Birds of the Arboretum
January 18, 2014; 8:00 am
The UW Arboretum is noted for its diversity of birds in winter. Along with winter birds, such as chickadees, cardinals, nuthatches and juncos, we may also see robins, hawks, wild turkeys and even a pileated woodpecker. Explore the edge of Curtis Prairie and wander through some woods to look and listen for bird activity. Trip leader Chuck Henrikson is a volunteer steward and birder at the Arboretum.
Meet at the Visitor Center parking lot.
Contact Information
Chuck Henrikson, 608-273-0151
Northeastern Wisconsin Audubon: Getting Started in Birding
January 18, 2014; 8:00 am
We will concentrate getting your "Year" list started by trying to find local birds, winter waterfowl, finches, and any northern rarities in the Brown, Door, Kewaunee, and Manitowoc counties. This trip will be led by Adam Sinkula.
Meet at the Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary upper parking lot and we will carpool.
Contact Information
WSO: Buena Vista Marsh and Necedah National Wildlife Refuge
January 25, 2014; 8:00 am
We’ll spend a good portion of the morning here at Buena Vista looking for wintering raptors, Prairie-Chickens, and other grassland birds. Later in the morning we’ll depart for Necedah NWR in search of Bald Eagles, diving ducks and possibly wintering Golden Eagles. Bring a bag lunch to eat in the car.
Meet at Buena Vista Marsh along CTH W, just west of where it curves to the west. Exit off I-39 at CTH W (exit 143, Portage Co. near Bancroft), and follow CTH W west and north about two miles.
Contact Information
Tom Schultz, 920-960-1796,
Jeff Baughman, 920-960-4732, JBaughman@csd.k12.wi.us
Horicon Marsh Bird Club: January Winter Birds
January 25, 2014; 8:00 am
We will caravan to find some winter bird specialities, like Snow Buntings, Lapland Longspurs and who knows what else may drop into visit Dodge County this winter.
Meet at Horicon Marsh International Education Center, N7725 Hwy 28, Horicon.
Contact Information
Jeff Bahls, 920-210-4832 |
Beaver Creek Bird Club
Tuesday, January 14, 2014; 7:00 pm
Beaver Creek Reserve, S1 County Road K, Fall Creek
Benjamin F. Goss Bird Club
Sunday, January 19; 7:00 pm
Retzer Nature Center, S14 W28167 Madison Street, Waukesha
Chappee Rapids Audubon Society
Sunday, January 19; 7:00 pm
UW-Marinette, Room 110, Marinette
Chequamegon Bird Club
Monday, January 20; 7:00 pm
Medford Public Library, 400 N Main St., Medford
Green-Rock Audubon Society
Saturday, January 18; 10:00 am
Brodhead Memorial Public Library, 1207 25th St., Brodhead
Horicon Marsh Bird Club
Thursday, January 16; 7:00 pm
Horicon Marsh Education and Visitor Center, N7725 Hwy 28, Horicon
Hoy Audubon Society
Thursday, January 2; 7:00 pm
Kenosha Public Library, 1500 27th Avenue, Kenosha
Lakeland Audubon Society
Tuesday, January 28; 7:00 pm
Lions Field House, 310 Elkhorn Rd., Williams Bay
Madison Audubon Society
Tuesday, January 21; 7:30 pm
Capitol Lakes, 333 W. Main St, Madison
Milwaukee Audubon Society
Wednesday, January 8; 6:30 pm
Schlitz Audubon Nature Center, 1111 E. Brown Deer Rd., Bayside
Riveredge Bird Club
Tuesday, January 7; 7:00 pm
Riveredge Nature Center Barn, 4458 County Hwy Y, Saukville |
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