Mississippi River Waterfowl Viewing

Mississippi River Waterfowl Viewing
Saturday March 19, 2011
On Saturday, March 19th, the Coulee Region Audubon Society will host a waterfowl viewing along the Mississippi River south of La Crosse. We will meet at 8:00 am at the entrance to Goose Island County Park near the Goose Sign. This location is south of La Crosse off of Hwy 35. The road into the park is called County Road GI and this intersects with Hwy 35 about 1 1/2 miles south of the intersections of Hwy 35 and Hwy 14/61 on the south edge of La Crosse.
Migrant waterfowl congregate on Pool 8 of the Mississippi R., and are viewable from either side of the River. Our field trip will start at Goose Island and then proceed south along the river as far as Ferryville. We will make various stops along the way to look at migrating waterfowl, Peregrine Falcons at the Genoa Power Plant, and any other birds that we can find including a potential side trip into the hills near Rush Creek.
This trip is a shortened version of the Lansing Loop that was led by Fred Lesher in previous years. The field trip will end between 11:00 and 12:00 and people can return to Goose Island or go on their own from that point. Car pooling from Goose Island County Park is encouraged and we can park extra cars in a parking lot in the park.


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