Lansing (Iowa) Loop

Lansing (Iowa) Loop
Saturday November 7, 2009

Meet at 9AM at the LaCrescent, MINNESOTA, Kwik Trip across the downtown LaCrosse, Mississippi River Cass Street Bridge. If you take this downtown Cass St. Bridge into Minnesota from LaCrosse, you will see the Kwik Trip in LaCrescent at the only stoplight in LaCrescent. An alternate route is to take west bound I90 which passes between LaCrosse/Onalaska, WI across the Mississippi River into Minnesota and exit I90 IMMEDIATELY after you cross the main channel of the River. (Look for Lock & Dam 7 on your right as you cross the main channel of the Mississippi R.) Follow Hwy 35/61 south two miles from this exit to the LaCrescent Kwik Trip at the only stoplight in LaCrescent.Migrant waterfowl congregate on Pool 8 of the Mississippi R., and are viewable from either side of the River. Our trip may include a 10 mile sortie into Iowa for up close backwater waterfowl & Bald Eagle viewing, depending on weather conditions.
At Lansing, we will stop for lunch if members of the group are interested.
We will travel on Hwy 35 in Wisconsin north back to LaCrosse, viewing areas in both states not readily visible from the west side of the River.
Total "Loop" miles about 70.
This trip features portions of the Upper Mississippi River Fish & Wildlife Refuge which reaches from near Keokuk, Iowa north to Alma, WI.
Fred Lesher
Trip Leader


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