May Wyalusing Trip

May Wyalusing Trip
May 17, 2008

On Saturday, May 17th, Fred Lesher and Dan Jackson will lead a birding field trip to Wyalusing state park. We will meet at 6:30 am at the entrance to the park and will bird until 11:00 – noon depending on the weather and bird activity.Wyalusing State Park is one of the birding gems of Southwestern Wisconsin. Park specialties include Cerulean, Kentucky, Yellow-Throated, Prothonotary and possibly Worm-eating Warblers, Acadian Flycatcher, Henslow’s Sparrow, Louisiana Waterthrush, and Winter Wren in addition to many normal spring migrants.
If you are interested in car pooling to the park, call or e-mail Dan Jackson (483-2271 or


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